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自由行旅客消費金TWD 5000│棧貳庫/大港倉

作家相片: 棧貳庫KW2棧貳庫KW2

遊台灣金福氣Taiwan the Lucky Land

自由行旅客來臺消費金e-Voucher Card




棧貳庫KW2Kaohsiung Port Warehouse No.2


오션뷰를 감상할  있는 KW2, 가오슝항의 라이프 미학

大港倉410│Kaohsiung Port Depot 410


營業時間 Opening Hours

周日至周四 Sun. - Thu. 10:00-21:00

​周五至周六 Fri. - Sat. 10:00-22:00​

棧貳庫KW2Kaohsiung Port Warehouse No.2

TEL +886-7-531-8568

捷運|橘線西子灣站 2號出口→步行約 3分鐘

輕軌|駁二蓬萊站或哈瑪星站→步行約 3分鐘

​MRT│Exit No.2, Sizihwan Station(O1)

Light Rail│Hamasen Station (C14)/Penglai Pier-2 (C13)

大港倉410│Kaohsiung Port Depot 410

TEL +886-7-2626-128

捷運│橘線鹽埕埔站 1號出口

輕軌│駁二大義站步行約 1分鐘

​MRT│Exit No.1, Yanchengpu Station(O2)

Light Rail│Dayi Pier-2 (C12)


  1. 可使用於一卡通在臺灣境內提供小額支付之特約商店,如 7-ELEVEN、全家便利商店、OK 超商、萊爾富便利商店、全聯福利中心、屈臣氏等,單次使用上限為新臺幣一千元,每日使用上限為三千元。

  2. 交通運輸可使用於捷運、臺鐵(非對號座)、公車、客運。

  3. 適用店家:棧貳庫KW2、大港倉410

2023 The e-voucher card

  1. The e-voucher card can be used at participating merchants in Taiwan that accept small payments through the iPASS system, such as 7-ELEVEN, FamilyMart, OK Mart, Hi-Life, PX Mart, Watsons, etc. The maximum amount per transaction is NT$1,000, and the daily usage limit is NT$3,000.

  2. The card can also be used for transportation, including the MRT, non-reserved Taiwan Railway trains, buses, and intercity buses.

  3. For a list of eligible merchants: KW2(Kaohsiung Port Warehouse No.2)、Kaohsiung Port Depot 410

Travel, shopping

a simple payment

The iPASS card is a convenient electronic wallet in Taiwan for cashless payments. You can use this small and easy card for many transactions,such as public transport, convenience store, shops, malls. You can buy various goods and services with the iPASS card.

The iPASS card lets you enjoy your Taiwan travels without cash or tickets. Why not get an iPASS card today and explore Taiwan with ease?

The e-voucher card usage regulations

  • This card can be used within 90 days from the date of issuance.

  • The card cannot be reloaded, refunded, or returned. Any unused subsidy funds will be returned to the Tourism Bureau.

  • If the card is lost, stolen, or damaged, it cannot be replaced or refunded.


2023年5月1日 台湾時間正午から台湾に到着する外国からの個人旅行者を対象に台湾各地の国際空港で抽選会に参加できるビッグなプレゼントイベント「遊・台湾で金運も開運も狙っちゃおう!~Taiwan the Lucky Land」がいよいよスタートします。抽選参加には事前WEB登録が必要になりますので実施要項をご確認のうえ、ふるってご参加ください!


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